2012 Recipients

CQR 2012, May 15-17, San Diego, California

“Joint Encryption Error Correction and Modulation (JEEM) Scheme”

Oluwayomi Adamo, Savannah Technical College, USA; Eric Ayeh and Murali Varanasi, University of North Texas, USA

Abstract – The major challenges facing resource constrained wireless devices are error resilience, security, and speed. In order to address these challenges, we present a physical layer encryption scheme that is capable of providing data reliability, secrecy and integrity. In addition, the scheme is also able to modulate the data. We construct joint encryption, error correction and modulation scheme to facilitate secure, reliable and efficient data transmission. This scheme is based on McEliece public key cryptosystem.


“Low Latency Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for 100km Long Reach 10G-EPON”

Daisuke Murayama, Noriyuki Oota, Ken-Ichi Suzuki and Naoto Yoshimoto, NTT, Japan

Abstract – We propose a new dynamic bandwidth allocation (DBA) method for long reach passive optical networks (PON) that can shorten upstream latency. In this method, the OLT allocates bandwidth to long-distance (up to 100 km) ONUs preliminarily and shortens the latency of long-distance optical network units (ONUs). This has no influence on the latency of short-distance ONUs if they coexist with long-distance ONUs. We show that this new DBA method achieves a smaller latency with long-distance ONUs than the conventional DBA technique, and that there is no influence on short-distance ONUs.


“Evaluation and improvement of end-to-end bandwidth measurement method for power-saving routers”

Daisuke Kobayashi, Go Hasegawa and Murata Masayuki, Osaka University, Japan

Abstract – The increase in energy consumption associated with ever-intensifying network traffic is becoming a major problem. A number of researchers have focused on technologies that dynamically adjust the processing performance and the link speed of routers according to the network traffic load in order to achieve energy-efficient networking. However,  when such power-saving routers are present in an end-to-end network path, the accuracy of existing methods for measuring the end-to-end available bandwidth may degrade because of the variable bandwidth and delays at bottleneck links. Furthermore, the energy efficiency of power-saving routers also decreases under the additional traffic load caused by bandwidth probing. In this paper, we employ a network environment with a power-saving router to evaluate the performance of Pathload, which is a popular tool for measuring the end-to-end available bandwidth. By showing detailed simulation results, we demonstrate that both the measurement accuracy of Pathload and the energy  efficiency of routers degrade, particularly when the power saving function of routers is triggered in shorter cycles. We also propose Pathload parameter settings that maintain measurement accuracy without affecting the behavior of power-saving routers.