Proceedings of the
2006 European Experts Workshops 

Power & Environment Rome, Italy October  3, 2006 Proceedings

ISCOM Activities,
Luisa Franchina, Ministry for Communications – Italy

Participants Issues Voting Summary Voting
Network & Payload London, U.K. October  6, 2006 Proceedings Participants Issues Voting Summary Voting
Hardware & Software Berlin, Germany October 11, 2006 Proceedings Participants Issues Voting Summary Voting
Policy & Human Brussels, Belgium November 15, 2006 Proceedings Participants Issues Voting Summary Voting
Europe’s best experts converged for a series of workshops to participate in rigorous, expert-level discussions on the critical subjects of network availability and robustness.  The technical program of the four workshops was sponsored jointly by the IEEE COMSOC CQR and Bell Labs, and were hosted by major communications industry, private sector, and public sector stakeholders.

The workshops built upon the June 2006 CQR International Workshop hosted by BT in London, which focused on world-class events, extreme events and financial sector dependencies.  Results from the experts workshop have been used to support the European Commission Study on Availability and Robustness of Electronic Communications Infrastructures (ARECI), which is being conducted by Bell Labs and has a February 2007 Final Report.

Karl Rauscher, chair of the IEEE CQR Advisory Board, member of the IEEE COMSOC Strategic Planning Committee Member, and executive director of Bell Labs’ Network Reliability & Security Office, envisioned the workshops as a way to facilitate meaningful expert dialogue in Europe regarding network reliability and to continue to strengthen the IEEE CQR in Europe.  Key stakeholders in Europe have praised the workshops for bringing something new and significant.  Dr. Luisa Franchina, Director General, Ministry of Communications, Italy, stated:  

“These ground breaking workshops are bringing together experts for rigorous discussions on Europe’s future communications networks.  The systematic coverage of all eight of the fundamental ingredients of communications infrastructure will lead to improving the availability and robustness of our networks.  These workshops are a necessary role model for achieving consensus for Europe’s ICT community.  I am certain that the output of these workshops will provide bold, actionable and much needed guidance to the communications industry, member state governments and European Commission.  I strongly urge the continuation of this process.” 

“A key to the tremendous success of the Rome workshop was the expert, but neutral, facilitation role of Bell Labs and the IEEE CQR.  In particular, the uncommon leadership of Karl Rauscher and Rick Krock was exceptional, as they skillfully guided meaningful dialogue breakthroughs in policy development.  Given the exploding number of entities engaged in the design, operation, and interoperability of Europe’s next generation of communications networks, making progress in agreements and understandings among these entities is central to future network resiliency and is as tangible a building block of communications networks as are hardware and software.  I enthusiastically support the continued role of this fresh leadership in Europe.”

Workshop 1 Power & Environment 
Rome, Italy

Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Host:  Dr. Luisa Farnchina, Ministry of Communications, Italy
Workshop Chair:  Richard Krock, Bell Labs

These subjects cover the power systems internal to communications infrastructure and the physical locations (environments) of the network equipment such as buildings and towers.  Experts sought for this workshop include those with insights, experience and responsibilities related to power system engineering, back-up power planning, emergency preparedness, disaster recovery, network maintenance and physical security including co-location.

Workshop 2 Network & Payload 
London, U.K.

Friday, October 6, 2006
Host:  David Donegan, BT
Workshop Chair:  Jim Runyon, Bell Labs
Workshop Co-Chair:  Stu Goldman, Bell Labs

These subjects include the design, engineering, architecture, maintenance, operation, growth, convergence, evolution, transition, interoperability, reliability and security of networks and the traffic that is carried through them.  Experts sought for this workshop include those with insights, experience and responsibilities related to these subjects as well as emergency communications services, cyber security and reliability engineering.  

Workshop 3 Hardware & Software 
Berlin, Germany

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Host:  Rohde & Schwarz
Chair:  Aleksei Resetko, Lucent Technologies

These subjects include the design, testing and deployment of hardware and software, computer programming, quality management, trouble shooting, customer technical support, supply chain management, cyber security and systems engineering.   Experts sought for this workshop include those with insights, experience and responsibilities related to these subjects.  

Workshop 4 Policy & Human 
Brussels, Belgium
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Chair:  Karl Rauscher, Bell Labs

These subjects include standards development, communications industry policy development, peering agreements, mutual aid agreements, government affairs, human-machine interfaces, training, emergency preparedness, management, supervision, human performance and executive oversight.  Experts sought for this workshop include those with insights, experience and responsibilities related to these subjects.  

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